The Historian Of The Renaissance

The main character (the central of humanism / early Renaissance in Italy was Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), born of the family were born in Arezzo Toscaanse. That's what allows him to collect important manuscripts, and personal classic library has no equal . After completing his law studies, he worked on many great scholars at the papal palace. but then returned to his homeland in the province of the province of Vaucluse.
This is where he studied classical culture and simultaneously aspire to revive the culture of Classical Latin. At that time he wrote Liver de viris illustribus, ie speech or poem of praise for the political fame of the Romans from Romulus to Titus, of Alexander de Grote, Pyrrus and Hannibal. At that time he also wrote poems about the Second Punic War, and devote greater attention on Aemilianus Scipio Africanus, particularly the African epic. 

Leonardo Bruni (1369 - 1444), is a true figure as the founder of humanistic historiography in Italy. Besides studying law at Florence he also learned Greek well. Since 1415 he worked for 10 years in office (embassy) Pope. In 1415 he worked in government service and in 1427 was appointed chancellor. Bruni was first a humanist who could read and translate the original language karya2 of the authors of Greece (Aristotle, Plato, Demosthenes, Xenophon, Plutarcus). He is also working on / translate books into Latin Polybius on the history of Punic War I and the work of Procopius of destruction of Italy by Justinian. In Latin he wrote the life (biography) Cicero and Aristotle, while Dante and Petrarca in Italian.

As a historian, Bruni was the first Italian who greatly influenced by Greek historiography. The main work of historiography and history of the first humanistic city is Historiaum Florentini populi Libri XII (12 historical books resident Florence). Work of history covering the period of 16th century and the beginning of the establishment of the city (with a calendar that is not rigorous), mimic or follow the style and model of  Livius and writing, Thucydides and Sallustius.

Except for the last three volumes of his book he also used the works of the Middle Ages chronicler Giovanni Villani, including their sources. What is also important to peep is that it uses some of the antique texts, including Cicero's, that therefore he repaired Villani writings on the history of Florence. According to Bruni, Florence was not founded by Julius Carear, but by veterans of Sulla. Besides, he argued that the collapse of Rome was as a result of attacks by orang2 / German tribes.

Renaissance figures / humanistic other is Lawrence or Lorenzo della Valla Valle (1407-1457). Valla who came from Rome, better known as linguists and literature rather than as a historian. After completing his studies he became Professor of moral philosophy at Pavia. Productive years are between 1437-1448, that when he was still serving as secretary in Napels of the king Alfons I (= Alfons V of Aragon, + 1458). By Valla also humanism to known in the palace.

The most important literary works (because it has not been associated with history) and famous is Elegantiae latinae linguae, which discussed the problems of Classical Latin literature. As a work of history is Historiarum satu2nya Ferdinandi Aragoniae Regis Libri III, in which a profiled on personal life (biography) father the king Alfons, and more khusdus and which she liked best was about skandal2 king. In his work entitled Declamatio de Constantini donatione (speech on given Constantin) became very famous because it contains criticism histories. With a rhetorical style, which amplifies the charter that the emperor Constantin de Grote has recognized the legitimacy of Pope Sylvester I on the Western Roman Empire declined or not recognized as not authentic.

Valla new things done in the work is the analysis or argument filologisnya. With a description and analysis of anatomical sciences and languages Martial Arts (text analysis) he stated that the language of the text in the certificate was not 4th century Latin language support, which means false. On the other side with Declamatio Valla has pragmatic objectives in the interest of the ruling royal Napels, namely to Pope Eugenius IV tuntutan2nya release that are not considered legitimate world power of the kingdom Napels.

The truth of the deed it has also been since the war Investituur, mainly based on juridical argumen2, is hotly debated. In the council at Basel in 1431) for example, Nicolaas van Cusa (1461) in his study based on teks2 tulisan2 gereja2 ancient scribes and the ancient teks2 Concordantia catholica (the unity of the Catholic), was also doubted the truth of that certificate.
Historian recent renaissance Italy is Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527). He was born in Florence, and since 1494, when Florence was occupied France, he served as a clerk in the field of high politics in the republic of Florence. When the Medici returned in 1512 he was imprisoned.

After his release he devoted his attention to political philosophy, historiography and literature. His book is very well known is Il Principe (Lord, King), is a kind of textbook on political power, summary pidato2 lectures from authors ancient (Greek), the experiences works including kegagalan2nya. The book is filled with historical contoh2, but little or nothing to do / deal with historiography.

As political lesson, it teaches that in order to maintain and control the order and restore social order then the power must be held by people who are strong. Doctrine is that to achieve that goal the way, means, facilities and infrastructure of any lawful. Such idea was actually inspired by the chaotic state of the city of Florence at that time. According to the size of the modern era (now) it is considered to have abandoned the doctrine of morality and humanity.

Machiavelli's books which can be regarded as works of historical and Discorsi Istorie Florentine. For the former the Istorie Florentine (History of Florence}, written or command (request) Florentin university, described how the state of the city of Florence is colored by conflicts between groups (clique-clique), chaos, tricks, class conflict, war, repression to fight over the interests and wealth groups. Conflicts and intense competition that in turn lead to inequality (inequality) between people who are rich and poor.

To resolve these conflicts Machiavelli proposed a political theory that is necessary the creation of a strong power based military force to create social order so be enforced community organizations, law and justice can be implemented equally irrespective of class. Besides, he also proposed the theory of state based political system are:
1.    Monarchy:
- Monarchy Dispotis (Turkey)
- The tyranny of monarchy in the kingdom of Saragossa
- Feudal monarchy in France
2. Republic:
- Republican Aristocracy in Venice
- Democratic Republic in Ancient Rome
3. In between there is a form of monarchy and the Republic of Oligarkhy

Machiavelli also proposed the theory of the division (distribution) of wealth in a society with a system called meritocracy. What is meant is that the distribution of wealth in society should be based on merit or skills (merit) are donated each individual. Besides, everyone should be treated equally before the law (equality) and the law itself must be objective. Therefore, the theory states that Machiavelli proposed above, then he got the title as the Father of Political science.

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