In 1000’s there has been a major and protracted war known as the Crusades. As the cause is because the "holy land" (Israel today) in turns occupied or ruled by the kings of Islam. Western Christian societies and who consider the holy land as their own trying to capture it from its Islamic rulers. In the war of the Christian soldier is using the signs of the cross on their clothing and weaponry, as are indeed led by the Christian king.
Prolonged crusade took place, even the western nations who came to Indonesia in the 16th century end still overwhelmed by the atmosphere of war. As a result the occurrence of conflicts with Islamic traders from the Middle East who have first come to Indonesia and also with the local Muslim rulers. However there are also positive impacts of the war, namely the occurrence of cultural contacts, and more than that Europeans began to open and recognize the cultural heights Midle East and Asia.
They witnessed the luxuries that are not found in Europe, new commodities such as spices, pepper, cloves and others. They also finally admitted that that in the field of handicrafts, arts, technology, Middle Eastern and Asian nations were no less advanced in comparison to European nations. Further development is the occurrence of trade contacts between East and West are very profitable Western nations. Trading cities arose in Western Europe such as Venice, Leevant, Bologna etc.
Cities are growing trade with all its wealth and luxury, but also mutually independent (autonomous), such as cities in Greece. Competition between the city unavoidable, even if necessary by using military force to seize and control the surrounding towns. That is why every city tried to at least defend themselves by using a mercenary army. This is what ultimately drives the emergence of commercial military units that can be rented by anyone who could afford it, which is called the mercenary (Condittier). As a result of further disturbances erupted (anarchism) in the cities of the rich merchant.
On the other hand people in the wealthy cities began to doubt or at least questioning their own culture which had been considered the most superior (Christian) in all the earth by studying the collections of libraries in monasteries and churches. Finally, they rediscover the works of Greek culture is very impressive, whether it be literature, philosophy, architecture, story heroism, science and so on. Started that's when Western European nations actually go back to look back to the days of Greece and Rome, which marked the mighty change that view of life or inspired by Greek culture, and commonly known by the term Renaissance.
Understanding the most common and simplest of the renaissance is: the rediscovery or rebirth ('renasci' from the Latin word which means born again) from the culture antique (ancient Greek), including the historians. Compared with the time of the Middle Ages can be said there are no studies that really over ancient history, and knowledge of antiquity in the West at that time was very limited. Despite the influence of Greek historical writing of the history of the Middle Ages, but the effect was limited to only a few writers or historians. In the Renaissance at least as much as three-fourths of Latin literature was rediscovered. That is more than enough literature and historiography, Greek born again. It also like connection with the contacts with the Kingdom of Greece Bisantium.
In the renaissance era of education based on the works of ancient literature, including the writing of history and moral philosophy, referred to as 'humanity' (as the term emerging humanism in 19th century), while teachers in the study of "humanistic" since the late 15th century called the term 'umanista'. Unlike the writers of the medieval era, the humanists wanted to learn all the antique authors. In fact they want to take itâ sense of style and beauty of antique antique. The movement to rediscover and respect for ancient cultures to perform maintenance resources so long as the original state can be arranged at first it only happened in Italy in the early 14th century. It was not until the early 15th century it was also done in other countries such as Britain, Germany, Netherlands and so on.
Contrary to the Middle Ages, Renaissance era have culture characteristics as follows:
- Anthropocentric, namely the view that assumes that human life is the center of everything in this world, so that the good and bad things in this world, as well as human history is determined or centered on the man himself.
- Secular, the worldly view of life, where everything is measured or oriented to the life of the material world.
- Diesseitigheit, the worldview that assumes that the most important thing in life is precisely in this mortal world. Motto is "carpidiem" which means enjoy life.
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