Historiography Middle Ages, Background Of The History And Culture

History of Medieval Western Europe marked the end of the Roman empire, as a result of the displacement nations since the fifth century in Europe because of the insistence tribe Mongolia in central Asia, especially tribal Huns. One of the main causes of displacement nations it is the climate or weather in Central Asia are experiencing a prolonged dry and hot season. As a result is dwindling or scarce food source and sustainer of life, so tribe nomads in the region experienced great difficulties in sustaining their lives.

One of the most important tribes inhabiting Central Asia is a Mongol tribe, which in the fourth century began to leave their territory to the North China, and even in the year 308 -352 succeeded in establishing the kingdom Siung-Nu. However, the Mongol tribe is then driven by the Toba tribe We, that therefore they began to move to wander back to India and even to Western Europe. In India the Mongols attacked Gupta empire, and then also move stormed Raiput in North India, and even settle in the region.

In contrast to the direction of movement of the Mongol tribe, the tribe of Huns moved to wander toward the West and even to Western Europe, a chronological outline is as follows:

a.        First they attacked the Persians, especially over the kingdom Sasanid.

b.       From Persia they move into Eastern Europe via the Caspian and along the Danube river and secured the area around it, especially Hungary, and in successfully mennuju 375 into southern Russia and finally to Western Europe.

c.       In Russia the tribe of the Goths drove south west near the river Dajepr and Eastern Goths in the west of the Black Sea. As a result the tribe of West Goths into Roman territory around the Danube, while the tribe of the East Goths into Italy.

d.     Hans tribe is further moving towards Hungary and expel tribe Germania and other tribe. As a result of urging the tribes Germanic tribe of Huns were forced out of Hungary and eventually move towards areas of Rome. This period is, is the beginning of diikiuti kemundiran and then with the collapse of the Roman Empire.

Movement and attack particular ethnic Huns into Eastern Europe that resulted in local tribe terdesaknya tribe Germania is forced to move or get out to western Europe which is the Roman Empire. People daru tribes who moved into the West Goths Roman territory suffered much persecution by Roman people who consider them as migrants and instead considers tribes and feel themselves as indigenous.

As a result frequent rebellions of course met with oppression. One tribal leader that drives the West Goths in the Roman rebellion is taking place Aleric alternating between rebellion and repression during the years 395-410. In Greece they are driven by the Greek emperor Arcadius, the emperor even send ppasukan to attack Italy, so the Romans were defeated in 410. As a result of these Goths moved again to another area which is in Southern Gaul and Northern Spain. However, the wave of migration Germanic tribes that moved into the area of ​​the Roman empire is continuing, and even other leading tribe Germania is tribe Vandals, Bourgondia, Franks, Alamanni, and Lombard.

Vandals special interest that are well known for the repression, after being expelled from Rome in 410mereka moving to Spain under a boss named Genserik. Of the tribe of southern Spain in the year 429 the Vandals invaded Africa and trap captured and occupied Cartago. It appears from this North African tribe of Vandals aims to wreak revenge against the Romans who had deposed him. This is evident from their attacks against Italy in the year 455, followed by burning down the city of Rome. After that besides menetapp in Africa, they also settled endiami Sardinia and Corsica.

For the other Germanic tribes that Bourgondia and Franka,, together with the West Goths and Alamanni tribes settled in Gaul. In this place they were still disturbed by the attack of the tribe who settled in Hungary Huns under Attila pimppinan. Accordingly But with the death of Attila in 453 at the time attacked the Gaul, the Huns tribes settled for good in Hungary and not doing more to tribe serangan2 Germania. In Britain (UK) came tribe other Germania namely Angeli, Sax and Yut, who previously occupied the area around the Elbe and Den Marck.

During its development, tribe Germania who flocked to the Roman territory turned out to gradually reduce the area of ​​Roman power, because the government in Rome that started weak unable to dispel the attack tribe Germania. Even many people Germania used as soldiers of the Roman empire with their consideration of it has advantages in terms of military or war. However people Germania is growing like parasites on the Roman walalupun even a gradual and long they overran the Roman. This happened in the reign of Romulus in 476 Agustulus which was removed from his throne by people Germania under the leadership Odovaker. Even Odovaker appointed himself as Emperor of Germania domiciled in Italy. The incident is the end of the reign of the Western Roman Empire.

In terms of development of historiography, in ancient Greece when the center of the development and writing of Western history is still centered around the Mediterranean, however, by division of the Roman Empire (Western Roman and Byzantine), followed by the disappearance of some parts of the Western Roman empire which was replaced by Germania-kingdom, then there is a new constellation of Western historical writing, both in terms of geographical, political and intellectual. In terms of geographical constellation was moved from the Mediterranean to Italy. From the political side of the emerging new center of powers, namely those Germanic tribes invaded and settled in Italy, the East Goths (Ostrogoten), Langobardia. In the islands there Iberian tribes Git Vision (visigoten = West), Vandal tribe. In Gallia is a tribe of Franks, Burgondia, whereas in the UK are tribes Saksen and Angelo.

Ages Medieval Europe also commonly referred to as "the dark century and also the" centuries of ignorance. "Term has connotations that the society in those days were in darkness or ignorance. Century the term actually means darkness or ignorance was provided by the rationalists of 18th century Europe, the tela experienced the Enlightenment, Enlightement or Aufklarung. They are looking at medieval society (8-13) based on the viewpoint or perspective of their human rationalist. In contrast with their opposite, the role of medieval society and the ratio is no less prominent role in the development of human culture, that culture does not develop (low) or experiencing backwardness and ignorance. Such cultural situation of course also influenced by the "soul time" that can be known from the view of the world (live) from the Middle Ages, namely:

1.    Theosentrisme, that view of life centered on God, in the sense that human life is centered on God, and God who set up both as an individual human life and society. In this case the role of God uga had set human history.

2.    Providence, the worldview that considers that everything in the world and everything is running according to brencana Lord (God Plan). Passion is a warning to humans. Factor is always associated with God all things, as well as history is always returned to God.

3. Yenseitigheit, yaityu view of life that emphasizes life in heaven or the hereafter alasm. Atinya the most important thing in life is to prepare for life in the world (natural) death.

Thus it can be said that the soul of the people of medieval times is spiritual. In this respect all life and guided by community originate in the teachings of religion (Christianity). In the field of historiography and philosophy of history at the time it occurred to confusion, since medieval historiography is influenced by religion, a philosophy of history is marked by a spirit of religion. Therefore historical work produced at that time generally in the form of religious history, the history of saints, the history of creation and so on.

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