Roman Historiography

a. Historical Background
In the era of classical Greece there is no such profession solely as a historian. Most of them are now referred to as real historians have such major work as government officials, senators, army officers, imperial treasurer, and usually write their work if it has stopped working. Thus it can be said that they often write down what the experience or what they are doing, especially if their freedom as a writer while still working very actively obstructed or limited. This was especially true during the reign of the Roman emperors. However, some historians are trying to take distance from the authorities in order to gain freedom in writing, an attitude not uncommon to have to pay for it with their lives.
Just as in ancient Greece, the Roman era historians with the exception of Polybus, really like and appreciate literature. Besides, as a literary scholar they are good storytellers and writers so that menghaslkan rhetorical history, dramatic and psychological. It should also be understood that the writing of history is not science, but as a branch of literature are beautiful and based on such properties, they are conspicuously give place to the classical culture. As the experts in real literature, the history of the Roman era writers have the habit of publishing history that preceded or begin with the reading of the manuscript are open to the public. So that also occurs in Herodotus, and still occur later in the eighth century historian Ammianus Maecellinus.

Unlike the first generation of the Greek historian, interested in things that are cosmopolitan, the Roman historian usually knows only one theme, namely Rome. But in case it should be remembered, compared with the Greek state which is politically divided into regions (poleis) of small, Roman Punic war has evolved since the widespread and relatively global. In an overview of Roman history that began with "absolute" that is by founding the city of Rome, but also with great attention to the latest Roman times, can be found forms annalistik wide, while kronikrelatif rare. Highlights of his time it usually ends in themselves (the author).

By universal history which not only within the framework of Roman history can only be found in the work Trogus.Untuk recent times the Romans or the events of the contemporary Roman writers, many monographic study found, for example, Memoires (warnings) and historien (story ysang more detail about the events of today) or sometimes referred to as Annalen.

In general it can be said that the development of Roman historiography was in line with the historical development of the Roman Empire. Hence the most important works in this era a lot to do with Roman history, since the emergence of later through growth, glory, and ultimately up to its collapse.

b. Leaders of the Roman historian

1. Polybius (208-126 BC)
Although life in Roman times, yet in fact he (Polybius) Greeks. He lived in splendor and at the same time the beginning of the decline of Athens and Sparta, but it is also the founding or development of the Roman Empire. Before writing his history historiai he also had a career as a politician and military. He was born in the megalopolis, which is Greek in the Arcadia area. He comes from a family including prominent. In the year 167 BC, because his family thought to be involved in anti-Roman movement, along with thousands of other prisoners as Sandra was taken to Italy. But in Rome is specially treated, and may even end up living in Rome.

During that time he hangs out with orang2 from the upper classes, among others, with Cato and Scipio Aemilianus friends with, an admirer of Greek culture. In times of prisoners to 17 years actually Polybius has started a plan to write history, starting from the Romans since the emergence and expansion of the Second Punic awalPerang until when he was taken to Italy.

For a half century before he collects saksi2 sumber2 by interviewing local people, and with archival research bahan2. Besides, he had also started to use the official teks2. After getting permission to go home to his country Polybius lived with Scipio Aemilianus (148-146), and participated in the siege and destruction of Cartago. Not long after that he also followed the siege and eventually fall Korinthe (146 BC).

So he is a witness of both these events. In the same year (to 140 BC) Polybius also held important perjalanan2 ie: along the Atlantic coast, from Morocco to Portugal and then to Egypt through the country. At that time he devoted to writing historiai their concern.

Most famous works of Polybius is in the form of 40 books containing the history of Roman expansion, which in it is described how the Roman Empire managed to conquer the whole of Western Europe. According to Polybius that the Romans are the foundation of military strength, which is mainly supported by a large fleet, the regular organization of advanced weaponry and technology according to the size of the time, so they can reach out and subdue the nations of Asia Minor.

Besides the wars, the work of Polybius also contains about politics, conquests and power. His analysis is profound about the historical development of his theory of the politics of the Roman empire. According to Polybius on the Roman imperial government initially took the form of monarchy, that is where the power of the state located entirely in the hands of the king. However, because of the growing trade in Roman society, then the system politiknyapun turned into aristocracy, which in this case the political power in the hands of prominent people who sit in government. The third is a democracy, where the royal leader elected by the Senatus, namely those who have a certain old ortang influence of power holders in society. But elected leaders in its development is usually crush the (coup) of power entrusted to him so pemerintahanh re-shaped the monarchy. Thus in Roman history occurred cyclically in the power system.

2. Edward Gibbon (1737 - 1794)
Gibbon was an English historian, who had also been a member of British Parliament who writes about the collapse of the Roman Empire Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1737-1788). According to Gibbon that the Roman Empire is very large and powerful it was gradually experiencing the fragility of dalam.-further explains that in the heyday of Roman society at the same time also began to decline (decadence) in the field of morale. As the cause is because the Romans were very spoiled or too much given the opportunity to dissipate and have fun, which is known by the term "bread" and "game".

This means that it was excessive in meeting the need for food (subsistence), the Romans also entertained with performances in Collesium, such as the human race (gladiators) against animals, humans and other human opponents. Thus, although physically the Roman civilization was higher than the tribes or nations other in Europe, but in terms of morale demkiann actually in decline, or even bias was said to be civilized. At times like that the Romans could not withstand the attacks of other tribes who considered the bars by the Romans.

Regarding the theory of Gibbon, a modern historian Max Weber states that reject the theory tersebutdan explanation: that the collapse of the Roman mainly due to minority Christians who managed to influence the leaders of Roman society.

Other Roman historians figure that is quite famous is Livius. However, in his work he was too glorify the Romans, which resulted in him lots include myths about the Gods of the King. While Taxitus more revealing about the history of the Roman authorities, who therefore he got the nickname as a pioneer of history or the history of the historical figures (biography).

3. Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406)
Although Ibn Khaldun was a historian of Islam, but his theory about the development of the tribes in the Arabian peninsula that eventually became the kingdom under the reign of Sultan, can be used to understand the causes of the collapse of the Roman Empire. Ibn Khaldun had a lot of knowledge of the Soil Mahribi (Spain), because once occupied an important position in the region. He also became an important advisor to the royal Ioslah in Africa, so that her life experiences are influenced by the development of Islam.

In the book Al-'Ibar Prolegomena (the history of mankind) Ibn Khaldun portray that in the Arabian peninsula was originally inhabited by small communities are referred to as Umran Badawi, who seidentik with the tribe or clan, a group of people who still have a blood relationship derived from their ancestors. In the group's unity and unity in the form of harmony and solidarity to mark their social lives daily (assabiya).

Thus the nomadic tribes that still (moving) is solidarity based on kinship (kinship). While the economy is still living at subsistence level with technology that is simple, by doing the job hunt and sometimes also raided other tribes to obtain food. Therefore, the accumulation of wealth has not happened yet, because there is no need for more than a primary need. Such an environment eventually led to a strong mental attitude to keep suvive to defend themselves from the threat of other tribes.

In the environment they also appear stronger people as a group leader with his army to conduct attacks against other tribes in the vicinity. In this case the success of an interest in subduing some of the other tribes resulted in some Umron Badawi is under a strong leader. Thus emerged a larger group and with a larger area like the royal, referred to as Umron Hadari. While successfully created a new solidarity is Assabiya Kubra. The relationship between the leader (king) and his followers are to be patrimonialism (patron and client).

In the development Umron Hadari is usually more expanded territory with constantly subjecting small tribes in the vicinity, so that formed a sort of keajaan greater. As supporters eventually required soldiers (hired), bureaucracies, employees digajih. In a development that has been such that the personal relationships (patron-client) between the king and his followers no longer sustainable, in connection with the group size and breadth of the region.

With the formation of an increasingly vast empire that was also still necessary akatan solidarity, but with a wider scope, because solidarity is not memadahi asabiya kubra again. In the history of Arab solidarity with the new bond was not another form of religion (Islam) that is able to create a wider solidarity, even in the increasingly global development. In terms of physical needs, the new kingdom that also requires cities with palaces and buildings, troops, places of recreation and so on. In turn the city that it produces difrensiasi tertus developing work / jobs to meet the needs of kings and palaces such as carpenters, blacksmiths, craftsmen of gold and silver, and so forth. It also occurs a wave of urbanization of the rural people from various walks of life who move to urban centers. As a result then comes the social problems in ota as robbery, prostitution, gambling and so on.

The important thing for these developments terkadinya moral degeneration of the second and subsequent generation of the founders of the first royal or imperial. In this case the first generation of the founder of the Sultanate of course realize that luxury, ease of daily life is as hard-earned through powerful monetary affairs. But the second and subsequent generations are not or are less aware of it, and the more fragile mentality because they do not have the struggle with the sacrifices. In such circumstances it makes them be easily conquered by Umran
Badawi who still have the mentality / strong morale. This is where biased views of moral decadence that once menandaidesintegrasi kingdom. Such situation also happens to be the Romans who eventually subdued by the tribes that still bars, but choose a strong mentality.

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